The Stakeholders Roundtable Engagement on sensitizing the public on the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence (STOP-SGBV) is centred on brainstorming sessions all geared towards achieving the project goal which was to develop and provide innovative information enlightenment communication content on the STOP-SGBV project for public sensitization. The height of the event was the breakout session which the meeting had participants divided into four (4) groups of two sub-groups (Rural & Urban) to brainstorm around innovative messaging and channels for communicating the provisions of the VAPP law in simplified terms to the public. The sessions recorded important outputs with contributions along the lines of sample messaging and channels.

To develop and provide innovative information enlightenment communication content on the STOP-SGBV project for public sensitization.
To facilitate conversations on issues of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), share cross-cultural experiences and develop pragmatic innovative contents for Information Enlightenment and Communication (IEC) materials using Violence Against Person Prohibition Law (VAPPL) as a tool.
To increase citizens participation and utilization of the VAPP law to reducing SGBV cases
Attendance: 38 Students